remedy (n.) c. 1200, remedie, “means of counteracting evil of any kind” late 14c., “a cure for a disease or disorder, medicine or process which restores health;” from Anglo-French remedie, Old French remede “remedy, cure” (12c., Modern French remède) and directly from Latin remedium “a cure, remedy, medicine, antidote, that which restores health,” from re-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (or perhaps literally, “again;” see re-), + mederi “to heal” (from PIE root *med- “take appropriate measures”).
Repository of Divination tools, News, Elements, Spells, Rituals, Clearings, Entities, Ascension; Kitty is a magpie at heart, gathering information trinkets from everywhere and sharing them here in hopes that some might shine a light on your journey in this Incarnation. Please only take what resonates with your heart and leave the rest behind. Tionscadal Mo Chroi (Project of my heart) Lovingly curated by Kitty, bean draío leabharlannaí (Librarian Witch)