What in the Aether is Going On?
We are at a moment in Time Space where potentials are collapsing. To be fair, we are always converging timelines as we choose “this” over “that” and up the potential of “this timeline” over “that timeline”… so it ain’t yer first rodeo, Babygrrl…
Today, we’re in a different phase – we’ve crossed the M9 point (fittingly on May 9, 2024, according to Earth’s Western calendar…but more on M9 and what that means in another post). This shift means your awareness is more ‘online’ than ever before. You’re tuned in, picking up signals and insights that may have been out of reach before. This can be disorienting – it’s why you might feel a bit ditzy, forgetful, or just not quite like yourself.
Welcome to the Bucking Blaze
Ignorance was bliss back in the day. But now you’re in a new rodeo, and the real thrill starts when you learn to ride the bronco with a loose rein. The trick is to let go a bit, let the rhythm take over. Sure, if you’re stiff and tense, you’ll end up bruised, sore, and dog-tired. But when you relax, sink into the saddle, and move with the buckin’ beast beneath you, it’s wild and exhilarating. What an amazing Time to be alive!
Yaaass grrl, you ARE a sexy space kitten with catlike reflexes – but let’s face it, our human muscles are no match for a real cat’s speed. Similarly, you’re brilliant and quick; our brains are nimble, but when it comes to the bucking bronco of timeline shifts, our biological technology is lagging. The difference? Our thoughts zip along at 20 milliseconds, but TimeSpace is collapsing and recreating at 1/22 trillionth of a second. Now that’s a whole other speed.
Dual Location: Straddling Collapsing Timelines
When a timeline collapses and recreates, it invariably catches us ‘mid-thought,’ creating a sensation of dual location – your thought exists in two timelines at once. This split awareness brings on the effects you’re feeling today, stretching the mind between two realities until, just under 20 milliseconds later, it lands. And the new time-space it lands in can feel like a whole new landscape. You used to be blissfully unaware of this, so nothing seemed amiss. But now, with your awareness more ‘online’ and your reflexes sharper, you’re picking up on glitches – and it’s leaving you feeling more ‘off.

For that brief moment of dual location, it’s like having one foot on one bucking bronco and the other on a second – a risky move until you finally land solidly on the next bronco. One of the most common effects folks report is that sense of awareness straddling both broncos. Your consciousness, which can’t be split or duplicated, catches glimpses of two different rides – each with its own thoughts and scenery whipping by.
There are other effects too, like when a thought – which takes a few steady time slices to fully settle in the human brain – gets jolted as one bronco bucks out of sight and another appears. This throws you ‘mid-thought,’ and the sudden shift shakes up memories and even the physical wiring of the brain itself.
Bucking Effects
Given the wild interplay between your newly tuned-in awareness, the dual location effect when you’re in the space between broncos, and the sudden collapse of potential timelines, the effects on your mind can take you off guard. Here’s a roundup of what you might experience as these broncos kick up dust, stirring up your whole sense of reality:
Bucking Bronco Blur
- Description: A wild scramble in the brain’s ability to align sensory data and thoughts with good ol’ linear time. It’s like every moment – past, present, and future – is rushing up to greet you at once.
- Perceived Effect: Feels like you’re straddling a few timelines, catching glimpses of multiple lives or paths all at once.
- Symptoms: Time feels stretched out or squished together, along with a sense of dissociation, déjà vu, or a full-on dizzying disorientation about where the past ends and the future begins.
Double Saddle Syndrome
- Description: Thanks to the rough ride of being caught mid-thought during a Timeline Collapse, folks feel like they’re in two places at once, one boot in each world.
- Perceived Effect: People describe the eerie sensation of being fully present in two different spots – maybe two rooms, or even two dimensions– each delivering sensory details that feel just as real as the other.
- Symptoms: Overlapping visions of space, intense vertigo, phantom limbs reaching into unknown places, and a sense of losing track of where your body really is.
Fractured Tailbone
- Description: With thoughts interrupted mid-process and only half-resuming on the other side, folks experience what feels like fragmented thinking – memories, emotions, and thoughts all jumbled up like pieces of broken tack.
- Perceived Effect: You might find yourself finishing thoughts you didn’t start or jumping into conversations with no sense of how you got there.
- Symptoms: Memory gaps, scattered thoughts that skip around, speech that feels pieced together, and even the unsettling sensation of holding memories that don’t quite feel like your own.
Lassoed in Lightning
- Description: When you’re pulled between shifting aetheric winds – those invisible currents in the cosmic rodeo – your sense of awareness speed gets thrown off-kilter, leaving your brain racing to keep up. It’s like trying to lasso lightning – fast one moment, frozen the next.
- Perceived Effect: This creates a sense of thought-speed either zipping out of control or dragging to a halt, where time feels stretched thin or impossibly fast.
- Symptoms: You may find your thoughts firing off in rapid succession or, at times, struggling to complete even simple ones. This tug-of-war can lead to frustration, anxiety, and, in extreme cases, a feeling of mental shutdown.
Ghost Trails
- Description: When your awareness straddles two broncos in the space between time slices, faint echoes of paths not taken – alternate realities – might linger in the mind. These echoes can rattle your sense of cause and effect, like ghost trails from a rodeo ride that didn’t happen.
- Perceived Effect: You might feel like you’ve lived through events that haven’t happened yet or remember outcomes that clash with what’s unfolding now.
- Symptoms: Vivid false memories, conflicting details about past events, or an eerie sense that the current reality doesn’t quite add up.
Bronco Freeze
- Description: When a timeline shift catches your brain mid-thought, it can throw a wrench in the gears of your motor functions – especially those driven by conscious intent. It’s like being bucked off the bronco right in the middle of a ride.
- Perceived Effect: You might find yourself frozen mid-motion or sentence, stuck in place until the thought clears up – sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes later.
- Symptoms: Sudden and unpredictable muscle lock-ups, moments of aphasia where words just won’t come, or brief “blackouts” during everyday activities like walking or eating.
Bent Saddle Effect
- Description: When the aetheric winds shift dramatically between two spots, your recreated consciousness tries to ride both points at once, twisting how you sense space and time. It’s like riding a bronco with a bent saddle – everything feels warped and out of place.
- Perceived Effect: Space might seem to curve or stretch, like looking through a distorted lens that messes with both vision and thought.
- Symptoms: Visual oddities like walls bending, objects changing size or shifting position, or even people appearing stretched or compressed. You might also feel off-balance, struggling with depth perception and orientation.
Cosmic Trail Lag
- Description: Think of it like jet lag from the cosmic rodeo – only deeper. When your consciousness lands out of sync with the aetheric flow in a new spot, it’s like being caught on a trail that’s veering off from where it should be.
- Perceived Effect: Time feels out of joint, with events seeming delayed, sluggish, or oddly sped up. It’s like your inner clock can’t keep pace with the world around you.
- Symptoms: Trouble sleeping, a scrambled sense of time, disrupted circadian rhythms, and even random shifts in body temperature or appetite that throw off your natural cycles.
Saddle Sore Syndrome
- Description: After too many timeline jumps, your brain starts gathering “echoes” of thoughts and feelings from different rides, piling up like dust on a well-worn saddle and straining your nervous system.
- Perceived Effect: You might feel bone-tired even without lifting a finger, as your brain strains to process overlapping impressions from several time slices.
- Symptoms: Deep fatigue, emotional ups and downs, trouble focusing, and a heavy feeling like you’re carrying the weight of multiple lifetimes.
Split Reins Syndrome
- Description: When your awareness briefly spans two realities, the mind can get overwhelmed trying to handle the pull of two reins at once, struggling to reconcile the clash of two distinct worlds.
- Perceived Effect: You might start to feel like there are “two selves” riding alongside each other, making it tough to know which one is holding the reins.
- Symptoms: Out-of-body sensations, a belief in living as two people, symptoms resembling dissociative identity, and a nagging fear of “losing” the primary self.
Steadying Your Saddle – 6 ways to navigate the trail
When the unexpected kicks up dust or the ride feels a bit wild, these tips will help you stay grounded and ready to embrace each new horizon.
- Hold Your Reins Lightly: The tighter you grip, the rougher the ride feels. Try loosening your hold and letting the ride take you where it will – surprises and all. This journey is one heck of a rodeo, but it’s one you’re more than built for.
- Be Patient with Your Pace: Some rides are slow and steady, others are a blur. If things seem out of sync, that’s just part of this cosmic dance. Give yourself permission to take it one time slice at a time. There’s no rush to “figure it all out.”
- Laugh When You Can: A sense of humor is your best ally out here. When things don’t go as planned – when you’re suddenly seeing curves where there were walls or forgetting a thought mid-sentence – laugh it off. These quirks are all part of the adventure.
- Trust Your Gut: This journey is yours, and no one else feels the reins the way you do. Listen to your instincts, and when things feel uncertain, take a breath and trust that your inner cowgirl knows her way.
- Take Rest Stops: Every great rider knows when to rest. Let yourself recharge when you need it. If the ride feels too wild, there’s no harm in grounding yourself with a bit of calm and centering.
- Embrace the Unexpected: The rodeo of life has its fair share of twists and turns, and that’s part of its beauty. Instead of bracing against surprises, lean into them. This ride is taking you exactly where you’re meant to go, one bucking bronco at a time.
You got this, Grrl! Enjoy every dust-kicking, bronco-busting moment! 🌌🤠✨