Inhibits root growth. In magical terms, that translates to inhibiting negative energies from taking hold

The more I learn about this plant the more I LOVE IT – Kitty

Queen of its domain

allelopathic – can suppress other plants around it by suppressing root growth.
Meaning it can suppress negative energies. It’s the Queen who will not be disobeyed wherever it grows. Even stronger than rosemary in establishing a woman’s authority – it kills competition.


The name refers to an ancient belief that hawks ate these plants to sharpen their sight, a belief also indicated in the popular English names, Hawkweed and Hawkbit. – therefore use it to support divination & to see clearly

Medicinal uses

Mouse-ear hawkweed is the common name for the above-ground parts (which may include flowers) and parts of the root of the plant Hieracium pilosella L. The plant is cultivated or gathered to obtain the plant parts for medicinal use.

Mouse-ear hawkweed preparations are obtained by comminuting (reducing into tiny pieces) or powdering the dried plant parts.

Herbal medicines containing mouse-ear hawkweed are usually available as herbal tea to be drunk and in solid forms to be taken by mouth.

Mouse-ear hawkweed relaxes the muscles of the bronchial tubes, stimulates the cough reflex, and reduces the production of catarrh. This combination of actions makes the herb effective against all manner of respiratory problems including asthma, wheeziness, whooping cough, bronchitis, and other congested and chronic coughs. The herb is mildly astringent, cholagogue, diaphoretic, strongly diuretic, expectorant and tonic.

The fresh plant is antibiotic. The plant has been regarded as specific for whooping cough and is also used in treating other problems of the respiratory system such as asthma, bronchitis, and influenza. The herb is also taken in the treatment of enteritis, influenza, pyelitis, and cystitis. It is occasionally used externally in the treatment of small wounds and cuts. The plant is harvested in May and June whilst in flower and can be used fresh or dried.

Has sudorific, tonic, and expectorant properties, and is considered a good remedy for whooping cough (for which, indeed, it has been regarded as a specific) and all affections of the lungs.

The infusion of the whole herb is employed, made by pouring 1 pint of boiling water on 1 OZ. of the dried herb. This is well sweetened with honey and taken in wineglassful doses. A fluid extract is also prepared, the dose is 1/2 to 1 drachm. The powdered leaves prove an excellent astringent in hemorrhage, both external and internal, a strong decoction being good for hemorrhoids, and the leaves boiled in milk are a good external application for the same purpose.

What are the risks associated with mouse-ear hawkweed medicines?

Mouse-ear hawkweed medicines are generally well tolerated. At the time of the HMPC assessment, no side effects had been reported with these medicines.
Mouse-ear hawkweed medicines must not be used in patients with conditions in which a reduced fluid intake is recommended (such as severe heart or kidney disease).

Historical uses

Hawkweed (Hieracium Pilosella): Mouse-ear
In the 12th century, this herb was used to determine if a poor person would heal and survive, or die. You had to let them drink the mouse-ear juice, and if they would reject it, they would die, otherwise, if they would swallow it, they would survive! It is also said that this juice, mixed with wine, would neutralize snake or Scorpio venom, but only if you would apply the actual herb on the bite at the same time as you would drink the mixture. It seems that any excuse would do the trick to justify any alcohol craving… Mouse-ear water was also famous for its beauty and cosmetics benefits: it would embellish the skin, reduce freckles and blackheads, and would eradicate wrinkles!

Easily found in poor soil hilltops in the North American Midwest