Honoring Angerona, a Winter Solstice Ritual; Ease pain and bring restful silence.

Angerona is a primordial goddess of the winter solstice.

She is a painkiller, relieving physical, emotional, and psychic suffering, and a protectress. She is a guardian of the witches’ code of silence. Perform this ritual when you want strength to remain powerfully silent.

  • Willow Bark
  • Bergamot oil
    • Earl Grey tea is a reasonable substitute here, as the main ingredient is bergamot. Consider a decaf version and the addition of chamomile if intending healing sleep with this ritual.
  • Honey to taste (willow bark is bitter)
  • Warm milk

Perform this ritual in silence, from start to finish.

  1. Make a cup of willow bark tea.
  2. add 1 drop of bergamot oil and honey to taste;
  3. Stir the honey and bergamot into your tea counterclockwise, silently asking Angerona* to remove any physical, emotional, or psychic pain. Continue stirring as you think of everything you would like relieved, fully express yourself. You can journal this if you prefer. This step can take as long as you need.
  4. Add warm milk. Stir the milk clockwise. Thanking Angerona for bringing you peace, contentment, strength to hold your tongue and rest.
  5. Drink all your tea in a single sitting, keeping silent until done.

“It is our quiet time.
We do not speak because the voices are within us.”

* At first we ask outside archetypes, like Angerona, for action. In doing this we declare our intent to accept the result. Eventually we learn that we tap into archetypes simply by focusing on them, and are actually asking and answering ourselves. Rituals like this help us envision which parts of ourselves are equipped to answer our request.

*For an extra powerful effect, use freshly fallen snow as your tea water.  Kitty likes to shake the snow from her favorite pine tree for this. Of course, this is not advisable in locales where snowfall can be polluted; near highways or in smoggy city valleys. Be wise and use your own discretion.