Cosmic Rollercoaster Ride: A Sassy Space Kitten Guide to Galactic Cycles

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Cosmic Flaming Rollercoaster

Ever feel like life is one giant rollercoaster that nobody warned you about? Turns out you’re right, and honey, it’s literally on fire.

Let’s talk about the Great Galactic Rollercoaster—the epic 26,000-year loop-de-loop our solar system takes around the Great Central Sun of our galaxy. Think of it like your favorite theme park ride, except instead of screaming teenagers and overpriced funnel cake, you’ve got cosmic waves, shifting energies, and epochs of consciousness that rise and fall like perfectly coiffed bangs in the ’80s.

Exhibit A: Yours truly, rocking the ’80s bangs in all their gravity-defying glory. Yes, that’s really me, and yes—it was absolutely as epic as it looks.

So, what’s really going on? Picture this: as our sun and its planetary posse zip around this giant cosmic Ferris wheel, we drift through energetic zones—some dazzlingly bright and sparkly (hello, Golden Age or Satya Yuga!), others dense, shadowy, and full of questionable vibes (yep, that’s our notorious Kali Yuga).

According to cosmic detectives like Clif High, there’s actual physics behind this rollercoaster: during our high-energy “peaks,” we’re showered with beneficial galactic rays straight from the galaxy’s heart, fueling growth, enlightenment, and fabulousness. But during those pesky “valleys,” galactic arms block the good stuff, throwing us into confusion, chaos, and an episode of bad reality TV we can’t switch off.

Lisa Renee takes it even deeper. Her detailed historical timeline suggests this ride isn’t random—it aligns beautifully with critical turning points like the fall of Atlantis (approximately 13,000 years ago, during a descending phase), and the darker periods marked by societal upheaval around 3100 BCE. In short, every civilization’s rise and fall aligns eerily well with these cosmic cycles.

But let’s get personal, shall we? If you’ve always felt like “something’s off” about the world, like yours truly, you’re not alone. The Kali Yuga we’ve been spiraling through explains a lot—the chaos, the feeling of cosmic misalignment, and that suspiciously persistent sense that we’re caught in some universal groundhog day production designed by extraterrestrial producers with a dark sense of humor. (Looking at you, Negative Alien Agenda!)

Here’s the sparkly silver lining: we’re now ascending, climbing out of this cosmic valley and heading toward another Golden Age. And guess what? Each of us is a key part of this awakening. We’re all unique, shiny points of universal consciousness, and this rollercoaster ride is our collective journey toward remembering who we truly are.

What’s coming next in this multi-part series?

Part 2: The tale of Atlantis and humanity’s epic dive into a technological obsession—how we disconnected from our spiritual selves and what lessons we can learn.

Part 3: Diving deeper into the Negative Alien Agenda—why they thrive during Kali Yugas and how their grip is slipping now as humanity rises in frequency.

Part 4: Practical, fun, and sassy strategies to ride these cosmic waves gracefully, staying spiritually fabulous and grounded as we rise into a new Golden Age.

So buckle up, kittens. Yes, the ride is wild, and yes, it’s fiery and dramatic—but we’re headed upward, out of the madness and straight into fabulous new cosmic territory. Keep your trusty sidearm handy, your vibes high, and your hearts open wide. This rollercoaster is taking us exactly where we need to be.

Foundational Attributions:

  • Insights inspired by Clif High’s exploration of Galactic Yugas.
  • Historical context and cosmology referenced from Lisa Renee‘s extensive timeline of energetic trigger events.
  • Ancient wisdom of the Yugas reinterpreted
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