Apple Blossom

APPLE (Pyrus malus)

PART USED: fresh flowers



MAGICAL INFLUENCES: Love, Peace, Happiness

When pink and white blossoms unfurl on the naked branches of apple trees, magic is soon in the air. The delicate, sweet scent of fresh apple flowers never loses its appeal-partly, perhaps, because no true essential oil is available. We can only enjoy it for a few months every year.

When I was growing up, my father planted an apple tree in the front yard. This was my introduction to this delicious scent.

If you have access to apple trees, go to them when they bloom, especially if you’re depressed. Inhale the fragrance that rises from the shell-like flowers, breathing in peace, contentment, and freedom from worry. Visualize the odor itself washing away all negative thoughts. Dispel these as you exhale. This scent is also ideal for promoting thoughts of love, both for yourself as well as toward others. It seems cruel to break off a flowering branch from a tree, but a few blooms can be gathered and used until they wither. Say a prayer of thanks to the tree as you collect them and treasure the flowers. When they’ve dried, bury them in the Earth beneath the tree.

Any and all “apple blossom essential oils” you may see in stores are synthetic.