Cosmic Rollercoaster Ride Part 3: Surviving Kali Yuga—Exposing the Cosmic Shenanigans of the Negative Alien Agenda

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Cosmic Flaming Rollercoaster

Howdy again, brave cosmic adventurers! Ready to dive deeper into the cosmic muck we’ve been swimming through in this wild rollercoaster called Kali Yuga? Today, we’re flipping the lights on to expose some shadowy cosmic characters who’ve been orchestrating humanity’s rollercoaster dip—the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA)—and exploring why their grip is finally loosening, thanks to shifting galactic energies and a special wave of cosmic volunteers who’ve arrived to help. Buckle your rhinestone belts; it’s going to get juicy!

Kali Yuga: Cosmic Low Point & Galactic Physics

Quick refresher: Kali Yuga is humanity’s ride through dense, chaotic cosmic energies—like being stuck in a crowded amusement park line, surrounded by confusion and bad vibes. According to Clif High, as our solar system moves along its epic 26,000-year orbit around the galaxy’s Great Central Sun, there are times when we’re plunged beneath dense galactic arms. During these periods, beneficial cosmic rays are blocked, leaving humanity in energetic darkness—think spiritual “Wi-Fi” going offline.

After Atlantis fell around 13,000 years ago, our solar system dipped deeper into these dense galactic regions. Humanity, already shaken by Atlantis’s obsession with tech over truth, plunged further into darkness and disconnection. The energetic environment of Kali Yuga amplified humanity’s struggles, providing the perfect playground for cosmic troublemakers—enter the Negative Alien Agenda.

Meet the NAA: Cosmic Tricksters Extraordinaire

Lisa Renee describes the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) as non-human entities thriving during Kali Yuga’s dense energies. Think of them as cosmic reality TV producers feeding off humanity’s confusion, fear, and spiritual amnesia. They exploit the energetic darkness to amplify chaos, control, and spiritual suppression.

Their favorite Kali Yuga tricks:

  • Divide and Conquer: Religious wars, polarization, suppression of spiritual truths, and targeting feminine and indigenous wisdom traditions.
  • Energy Manipulation: Constantly bombarding humanity with fear, anxiety, and scarcity to “feed” their energetic appetites.
  • External Authority Obsession: Encouraging humanity to depend on external authorities, religious leaders, gurus, or invasive technologies for salvation—echoing Atlantis’s fall into external dependency.

Cosmic Volunteers to the Rescue (You Might’ve Heard of Them!)

Humanity isn’t navigating this rollercoaster alone! You might’ve heard terms like starseeds, indigo children, or wanderers—Lisa Renee refers to them as Indigo races, Guardian Groups, or Crystal children—souls who’ve incarnated specifically at this critical time to help humanity shift frequencies and awaken. Regardless of the label, the essence is clear: these beings volunteered from higher-vibrational origins to anchor increased frequencies, ignite consciousness, and break humanity free from spiritual amnesia.

Why the NAA’s Grip is Slipping Now

Here’s where galactic physics meets cosmic optimism: Clif High explains that our solar system is finally climbing upward, emerging from Kali Yuga’s energetic darkness into a brighter galactic region. We’re gradually receiving higher frequencies from the galaxy’s center, like reactivating our spiritual “Wi-Fi,” enhancing human awareness and awakening.

With these cosmic volunteers anchoring and amplifying higher frequencies, humanity’s collective vibration is rising rapidly, starving the NAA of the dense energy they’ve depended on. The Negative Alien Agenda finds itself energetically cornered—unable to sustain their control in the face of widespread human awakening.

Personal Insights & Cosmic Connections

While throughout my life, I often sensed that something was… off… everything profoundly shifted in December 2019. The energies of that Winter Solstice triggered a powerful personal awakening, and suddenly my internal Wi-Fi was upgraded. I began hearing directly from my Higher Self, clairaudience activated, intuition sharpened, and fresh spiritual pathways opened before me, vibrant and full of clarity.

Looking back now, I realize my Higher Self was guiding me all along—even when I didn’t consciously recognize it. I am “allergic” to sunscreen, which we now know is full of straight up cancer-causing chemicals.

Four-year-old Kitty, proudly sunscreen-free due to mysterious “allergy” – despite Dr. Spock and the pharmaceutical machine working overtime to convince parents we’d all DIE without it.

I was instinctively averse to many “normal” behaviors and made odd life choices—decisions that might’ve seemed weird to others but were actually perfect guidance, protection, and preparation from my Higher Self. She and I kept things lowkey while I was young and vulnerable, avoiding undue attention until the timing was right. She’s always been speaking, guiding me through psychic-style knowings, gentle nudges, and intuitive insights—even though I didn’t consciously recognize her voice clearly until December 2019.

(In case you’re curious, her first unmistakably audible message was simply and powerfully, “You should fear NOTHING,” as I worried about someone’s reaction to a decision I’d made. After that initial breakthrough, she spoke frequently, offering life guidance, tips, and astonishingly accurate predictions of events or details I’d have had no logical way to know. Another deeply memorable message arrived months later regarding herbal magic: “You don’t USE herbs, you work WITH herbs—it’s a partnership, not a consumption. Your energies blend and make each other stronger.”)

Since then, each day has become a fantastic rodeo of Wrangling Timespace, straddle jumping (often not-so-gracefully) between old realities and exciting new possibilities.

While this awakening brought delight and a deeper, clearer connection to internal knowing, I’ve also found enormous benefit in learning from Lisa Renee and Dolores Cannon about exactly what happened to humanity historically and cosmically. Their insights help me make sense of how and why we collectively ended up so confused and disconnected in the first place.

As the saying goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Understanding our true cosmic history and the hidden Negative Alien Agenda empowers us to reclaim our self-sovereignty, consciously shaping our future and fully embracing these amazing rising energies as we ascend collectively toward clarity, joy, and freedom.

How We Thrive Moving Forward

We’re not powerless here.. Knowing the energetic cycles, the NAA’s tactics, and our collective mission empowers us greatly. Our greatest strength is reclaiming self-sovereignty, trusting our intuition, and embracing these rising galactic energies. Humor, joy, authentic connection, and spiritual awareness become acts of cosmic rebellion!

Coming Next

In Part 4, I’ll share some practical strategies for wrangling the energetic upswing—because let’s be real, this cosmic ride is less about gracefully floating upward and more about wildly flailing as we jump timelines. We’ll tackle ways to navigate the chaos, embrace your newfound psychic Wi-Fi, and keep your hat on through all the unexpected dips and twists.

Stay sassy, sovereign, free, and buckle up, buttercup—we’re finally climbing out of Kali Yuga’s rollercoaster dip, and even if it’s messy, the view ahead is fabulous!

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