November 6, 2020

Tionscadal Mo Chroi

How to make Cascarilla Powder

Cascarilla powder is a magickal ingredient with amazing protective abilities, made of one simple ingredient: powdered eggshells and has been used in the Hoodoo tradition

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Extinguish Obsessive Thoughts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This spell can snuff out all kinds of obsessive thoughts, like a crush you can’t let go of, negative self-talk, or worries. It can help

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Get rid of Nightmares Spell

Clear glass Cool water Food coloring – What color? choose one that best represents your nightmares to you Chlorine bleach Baking soda Spoon Measuring spoons

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Leave me the Fuck alone Spell

Materials: Salt Throw salt at your intended target and say “Stay the fuck away from me” If it doesn’t work the first time, repeat and

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Wind Cleansing

Being outside on a windy day is a good way to cleanse yourself. Visualize the wind passing through you and carrying away any negative energy

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